
Saturday, May 12, 2012

To All Parents

When I was younger family was everything in the didn't have children showing disrespect for their parents....especially when the parents raised them.....clothed them....and feed them.....if they achieved more then the parents then those parents took pride in them and was the ones that always bragged on them to friends and didn't have children that were so disrespectful and mean....they respected their heritage and wanted to make their parents proud....they cared about their upbringing and kissed their parents every time they were together or gave a hug...children were brought up to love their church, their community and looked out for each other....the ones that left and chose another path by turning their backs on family were always thought about....but it was a silent agreement that they would not be mentioned or were the black sheep of the family....that was way back when....

Now a days this is how I see don't give a damn about making their parents proud of them....they live in a home wanting desperately to leave their upbringing thinking being out on their own would bring them more then living in their home with parents....parents want to see their children succeed and almost always bend over backwards to try and give their children a leg up on the world...maybe because they didn't have that leg up from their own parents....but then the children turn on those parents and don't realize or acknowledge their parents for the sacrifices they made for them to have that chance....parents are not known to really turn their back on their kids...but give second, third and fourth chance in life....and the kids still spit in their faces and their upbringings....children are meant to grow up and make their own choices in life....they are meant to get a better educations and to  do something with it....but they are not meant to walk by their parents without kissing them and saying "I love you"....they are not meant to ignore them and act like they don't exist or that they are ashamed of them....they are meant to be polite and interested in their own parents background and to learn from their own parents mistakes....

As parents we raise them....we try so hard to love them... we may love them....yet we don't like them for many why try and try....all they want to do is use you for what you may have....the little help you can give them....but why....we worked hard....we did our best....and if our best wasn't good enough....then let them go....we will never stop thinking about them....that's a given....but there should be no guilt that you could have done more....its their choice to live their lives and not speak to you....and it could be quiet that way....and you could do what you want in life....and not hold your breath every time they come in and wonder if they will even speak a kind word to you....what they are missing is more then you are missing believe me....the more family you have behind you the more success you can achieve with them standing behind you....the curse is this....we as parents can not do anything about it....your children have a mind of their own....that is what you raise them to do....what they do with that is their own choices....they can look back on their own lives and throw their nose up in the air and say oh well....and when you die they may come to pay their respects....but do you really want to be their shit at the bottom of their we have to have guilt because they think you are crap and close their lives off to you....

Parents stand up for may have five children and only one turns out to be the one to treat you like that shit at the bottom of their shoe....but you still have other kids that give you that kiss....that will never put you down for their losing one will be on your mind but what can you do....they want to turn their backs on you their own grandparents or their siblings and their parents.... that becomes their choice and takes the guilt away from you....pray for when you think of a moment that you shared with them....but give them up as they did you....they don't want you....they don't want to acknowledge hurts....its mean....but in the long run they are the ones losing are living the life you deserve....its up to the parent to make their own lives after raising the will find that the world is open for you also....and the children will learn that the parents were the ones that gave them the foundation of their lives....especially when they have their own children that will end up doing what they did to their own parents....believe me you will hear the words they speak about you even when they aren't will hear that they don't give a will hear that they have struggles....and you may even hear that they called you worthless or that they have some regrets....but hang your life....enjoy your freedom and the others around you....let them fulfill you with love and strength....I promise it will be all worth it....there is absolutely nothing you can do for them....they don't want you and lets get a reality check....we are done with the job of raising them....wish them the best...but watch fate take over....and until they make it right they will never have true peace....and that is the curse right there.....



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