
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Jason Birdsong

Written when Jason Birdsong was 7 years old - He is 22 now

Oh Jason! Oh Jason!  You will never be accused of standing in one place.  You always want to win, or to be right.  But you will learn not everyone is a winner.  Yet you will always stand on your own two feet.  Strong is what I am.  You have convictions.  We didn't bond well in the beginning and it took a few years.  It was my fault.  But you are my loving terror.  I don't worry about you though: you are a tough young man.  What a wonderful man you are going to be.  When you marry your wife she is going to have her hands full, with your stubborn ways.  I don't believe it's a curse.  Because you will stand up for what you believe in.  Your kids will have that stubborn streak and learn from it.  Boy will you have your hands full.  I love you Jason, through the past and in the future.  Do you know your mom will be there for you?  I'll listen, give advice and worry.  You will come out in top.  Confidence is what you have.  Confidence is what I have in you.  I've watched you learn, I've watched you grow.  I smile at you and your eyes shimmer.  You give me hugs and kisses and lots of proud moments.  Never will I forget that you are my child.  Moms want happiness and security for their children.  I also want the best for you.  Never step down from a fight my dear Jason.  Yet always admit when you are wrong.  People respect that from a person.  Take the good and the bad.  Don't be afraid to love.  Don't be afraid to open up to people.  I see a bright future for you and I will be there watching.

Love now and Forever!!!!!!


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