
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Orange County Driver License .............

Orange County Driver License office located at: 4101 Clarcona Ocee Road, Orlando......what a joke......I was there this afternoon for my son to get his driving permit......the receptionist was efficient.....the gentleman in Station 16 was efficient......when it came time that my son passed the test and was instructed to stand in another line that's when I watched the employees taking their time......they would wait on a customer and then stand up to take a leisurely stroll around speaking to each other or to other customers in the place and ignore the line completely.....its like that in some places where the employees are not interested in waiting on you efficiently and timely and rather they are just taking their time and wasting your own......and I am amazed on how they can get away with that.......30 or more minutes later we are still standing in line and I am staring at the disregard this employee had for doing her job well.......but what was even funnier was there was only three of them working at this section and after the wait and the stares I was giving them ......two of them went to lunch at the same time.......nice work ethics.......good job.......more like why do we have government employees that find themselves lucky enough to have a job not doing their jobs........unfortunately that is life......they are lucky they weren't wearing name tags or I would be naming them right off.......then maybe someone that is reading this would find out what is wrong with them......

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