
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gary Tessinari

Written when Gary Tessinari was 10 yrs Old - He is now 24

This is not a poem or a witty phrase.  This is love from a mom to her child.  I am proud to be your mom.  I am proud to have had you.  I almost gave you up.  I thought I couldn't be a good mom; give you the things you needed.  And it was tough in the beginning with my addiction to crack cocaine.  Yet I learned how to be a mom, to listen, to love, and to trust.  You don't realize what you brought into my life.  Watching you grow into you own.  I hope I did a good job, because it's so important to me.  We never had it easy.  You blamed me for your real father not wanting to see you.  But it wasn't my fault.  He has his own demons to deal with.  He missed out on the years.  I cherished them.  Do I feel sorry for Leonard?  Yes I do.  He would have been blessed to know you.  Like I have been blessed to have you.  When you are ready to leave home, know I am here.  I will always be here, for the rest of our lives.  You have a piece of my heart.  Which is always yours.  No one can take that.  This might be messy and so sentimental but bare with me.  Things need to be said.  Whoever you marry will be lucky.  You will make a good husband and father.  I'm unsure of my mothering sometimes.  I always expected the best from you.  And I pushed for it.  Sometimes I wonder if that was wrong.  Yet I know it gave you the incentive to do the best.  Only know that I tried.  Show love my Son.  Don't ever hide behind anyone or anything.  Stand up for everything you believe in.  Have pride in yourself.  Treat people with respect.  And people will respect you.  Mothers want the best.  I want you to be yourself.  Just be happy.  I love you Gary Matthew.

Love mom now and forever!!!!!!!!!!


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