
Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Moms Bill Of Rights.....

I found this in
We declare these things to be self-evident, that every mother, whether she works in the home or out of the home, has certain inalienable rights. That these rights be granted unto her the moment she becomes a mother, with no additional need to justify or prove herself worthy to receive them.
These rights include, but are not limited to:
  • The right to sit in silence at least once a day – even if that silence is earned by locking oneself in the bathroom with a pair of Bose noise-cancelling headphones
  • The right to order pizza after a long day of work/errands/mommy taxi duties
  • The right to leave emails unanswered, laundry undone and dishes unwashed in order to catch the series finale of Desperate Housewives
  • The right to ignore her children when they call out for a glass of water/another book/just one more song at 2am
  • The right to feel beautiful just the way she is – and to be reminded of such on a regular basis
  • The right to take as much care of her own needs as she does the needs of her family and friends
  • The right to end a long day with a bowl of cereal and glass of wine rather than a healthy, balanced meal
  • The right to splurge on herself on a regular basis – even if it’s just a new lipgloss from Target
  • The right to surround herself with female friends who make her feel complete
  • The right to feel worthy just the way she is – not 10 pounds from now, after the next promotion or after her kids stop peeing in the bed
  • The right to choose to be a mom FIRST, but not a mom ONLY
  • The right to say no to the 50th round of hide-and-go seek
  • The right to laugh at herself and remember to not take life too seriously
  • The right to try again tomorrow

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