
Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Mother's Perspective

We always wonder if we did a good job....if we favored one child over the next....if we neglected one child over another....

I have three sons and they are all different in many ways...right now my first son isn't speaking to me....doesn't hurt my feelings because like his biological father he has his own demons....I almost gave him up for adoption but I didn't....thought he would always be an example to his other two brothers....but somehow I am more proud of the other two then him....I may love him but I am not proud of him....he will mark my failure in motherhood....he has given me a granddaughter and then basically made it impossible for me to stay in touch with that granddaughter....that is how I feel....and it is proven in a lot of things he does.... never a giver always a taker....where do I think I went wrong....I gave in to

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