Mr. William Oakley, May 6, 2012
My name is MyLinh McDonald and I
am hoping this exit letter gets to you.
"Persistent, offensive, abusive, intimidating or insulting behaviour, abuse of power or unfair penal sanctions which makes the recipient feel upset, threatened, humiliated or vulnerable, which undermines their self-confidence and which may cause them to suffer stress"
MSF Union, 1994
Definition of workplace bullying by Tim Field
Those who can, do. Those who can't, bully.
"Bullying is a compulsive need to displace aggression and is achieved by the expression of inadequacy (social, personal, interpersonal, behavioural, professional) by projection of that inadequacy onto others through control and subjugation (criticism, exclusion, isolation etc). Bullying is sustained by abdication of responsibility (denial, counter-accusation, pretence of victimhood) and perpetuated by a climate of fear, ignorance, indifference, silence, denial, disbelief, deception, evasion of accountability, tolerance and reward (eg promotion) for the bully."
Tim Field, 1999
Harassment can be classified as behavior
in the workplace that is offensive, humiliating, or intimidating. It usually
makes its victims fell extremely uncomfortable and even compromises their
safety. Abuse of power is often the culprit. Relationships based on power could
Position of authority (i.e. supervisor and subordinate)
Cultural difference (i.e. Caucasian person over a person of color) or
Number (i.e. greater population of men than women in workplace)
Sometimes in authoritative relationships, the person being victimized is afraid to tell the person in power to stop in fear that they will continue to be singled out or even worse, fired.
Position of authority (i.e. supervisor and subordinate)
Cultural difference (i.e. Caucasian person over a person of color) or
Number (i.e. greater population of men than women in workplace)
Sometimes in authoritative relationships, the person being victimized is afraid to tell the person in power to stop in fear that they will continue to be singled out or even worse, fired.
I seem to have done the right thing when I kept a diary of the harassment and the belittling and such of my time at the “Main”. I tried to get to the HR dept. I knew being seen and giving my name when they were all in a meeting might seal my fate. I knew that it was a “white girl” harassment I was receiving from my entry on April 9th. But I was also handed the name of the woman that is suing you now on the 9th of April by one of your employees, telling me to look her up when my time ran out at the “Main”. I promise you that you won’t forget my name, I thought about killing myself in failure would make my name stick in your history books, that is how much these two individuals pushed it, making me cry when I left work or came into work, but now I know that joining that young lady would hurt more with the witnesses and the proof we have. You need to watch the cameras of the last week I spent there. You need to see the difference in my demeanor and the two girls that belittled me and humiliated me. I bet you see the very moment it changed and the tears in my eyes. I bet taking Esther, Liz, Linda, Madeline, Shelia, and Willimenia in private and not scaring them like Tanya does would tell you that I “fit in perfectly” and I was a good person that always thanked them for their jobs well done.
You have had complaints about the others in this store. You know the bullying that is going on from others. I was told I wasn’t going to make it. I was given the name of the woman that would empower me to make you see the problems. You have major problems that I will make sure comes to light. Your own Board of Directors are accomplished individuals that will probably tell you the people around them helped make them who they are now. Their own vision and treating their staff right was a part of their success. You have the power to stop it. Not allowing everyone else to compromise your vision. You need to see it, not depend on others to look for you.
Are you now one of those that sits back and allows the good people that wants to back you up in building your organization to be let go, while the ones that don’t care tear up those strong individuals because they know they are threatened. Never in my career have I been through what I have been through. I read the book “Zap”, was that just for casual reading or something you wanted individuals to learn from. I went to seminars and speeches that you all gave. I believed in Goodwill and now I have nightmares. Don’t stick your head in the sand I beg you for the peace of mind of the next victim, you are dealing with human beings that want to believe in something and to work hard for what they believe in. Watch your cameras and what do you see? Is it someone that doesn’t fit in or someone that has the defeated look in their face that has lost confidence in her own abilities as a human being and an excellent manager, while others around her make it their duty to bring pain and suffering? Wasn’t given a chance to tell you this personally but “I don’t fit in” so I will take this to where I will.
Sincerely yours,
Cc: Laurence Hames, Esq
Maximiano Brito
Didier Menard
Michael Clary
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