
Monday, March 2, 2015

2nd Round.......

March 2, 2015

Arielle's little text to me. It's long so here we go again:

MyLinh Please stop the drama. You go above and beyond to create problems that aren't there. I have never put you down and said you didn't work or raise your family. You pull thing out of thin air. Patrick needs to grow up. He is 24 years old. He isn't a baby he doesn't need to be told what to do. Believe it or not some men have minds of their own and know when and what to do. Seems like all the ones around you don't though. I refuse to tell an adult what to do no one tell me to clean I just do it. I don't tell Patrick he can't see Titan, he never makes and effort. I never say don't hold him or touch him. He never does. And believe me he can leave when he wants im not stopping him. I'm so tired of the childish games you play. I would never take Titan away from his family because I am not like that. Never have I said you can't see him. Patrick is a good guy he never disrespects me but he's been babied his whole life. This is so ridiculous why can't you have a normal conversation like an adult, without plastering it in FB. You love the attention. Believe me when you and your family were out of the picture life was so easy. And I never forced your son to marry me, don't be mad he chose me over you. He's free to go if he wants to but he's still hear. And guess what when you come in May you'll be staying in my house because I have never said don't come around me or my child. Telling Patrick to come has by far cause me the worst problems in my marriage. I have never charged him rent or for the window screens he broke or the air mattress he popped. Children do what they are allowed to do. You allowed them to play games so the donut. You told them what to do so now they can't function with out it. I''ll be damned if I have to tell you a grown man what jto do. And if you want to pull Gary as an example I clean his mess do his laundry never have I asked Patrick to do so. And Patrick and I would have a lot less problems if he would stop running to you with all his little issues. Have a good night Mylinh

My Response: 

 Wow I am the drama....I put something on my fb and you presume its all about you. You send me two long messages, yes in private, because that way you can say I started it as you have done in the past and I am drama. This family is the cause of your marriage FRICKIN THINK YOU ARE THE MOST RIDICULOUS PERSON IN THE WORLD RIGHT NOW. By invitation Gary's brothers have been there, and you have not spoken to either one of them by your choice and words. You have nothing in common with them so you don't speak with them. I don't really care what you do Arielle my dearest darling. I don't care about you what so ever. But when it comes to my kids no matter how old they are I will bring out the claws and you have now woken up the momma bear in me. Lets get this straight off the bat. NEVER BY GOD AND THE ANGELS HAS PATRICK EVER CALLED ME ABOUT YOU. NEEEEVVVEEERRRR!!!!!! I call him 95% of the time and we talk about other things and you hardly ever come up in the conversation. Gary comes up in the conversation and Titan. Nothing is said about you, Patrick may comment about something funny Gary said or about this and that, but you NEVER COME UP IN CONVERSATION. Because no one has any interaction with you to have anything to say. Last year my husband and I made separate trips there and we came back with the same story. You and your family didn't even allow Titan to be alone with us. You never had Titan out of your sight and the only time we got to hold Titan was under strict supervision. You left Titan with me one time alone. Hell didn't Gary have an issue with your mom doing the same to him. Not allowing him to hold his son or something like that. Don't be mad he chose me over you...oh please...get over yourself. That is a sicking thing to say, you made it sound so nasty. My boys can chose who they want I DON'T GIVE A RAT'S ASS. He can chose who he wants and if your ass makes him happy more power to him, sure in the hell couldn't take him to N Carolina and sleep with him unless you were married. My family has caused you nothing but problems. Let me list the ways your family has caused my son headaches, lets see did someone's sister date a married man and that man may have or did threaten you and Gary got mad. I don't live in the same state, I don't come and visit you and basically what do I say call me once a month. I didn't send Patrick there he went because his brother invited him and I protested because he was already in school here full time and having to wait a year to enter school there makes him behind. Your really are clueless. How about this Arielle I won't be coming in May to be in your home. I really didn't want to stay there as you never spoke with me anyway. I initiated the conversations and you were to busy handing your mommy the baby and such. I don't care what you say about never taking Titan from family because you already have by initiating the fact on what you think of my boys and their mom. YOU ARE SO PERFECT AREN'T YOU ARIELLE. Can't wait for the next text and response because to tell you the truth you have made me laugh my ass off today.....pretty angry with my drama self.....but pretty funny too.....PAY BACK IS A and your I don't have to tell a grow man comment....heh my FB friends how many of you have had to tell your grown men what to do and how to do it. How much does a air mattress cost and a screen Arielle take it out of the damn $5000 Gary owes me.....for his legal woes and child support i paid. Normal think a text's are normal....damn girl dial the phone 407-452-8122. Do you know how to....???? That is a normal conversation NOT TEXTING....or IMing me.

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