
Saturday, August 4, 2012

Krystina Lucille Tessinari and Katrina Bostnar

Monday, October 3, 2011

Krystina Lucille Tessinari and Katrina Bostnar

Well Krystina I had to get your father out of my life and I hate to say this but I do feel very very good about that.....and it's weird on how I do feel better about the decision.....what I wonder is if this is how your mom felt to making her decision to cut your father off from you....I chose to take myself out of the picture, I have to admit now to myself and you, because of your fathers actions toward your mother.  He isn't a nice person.  He just doesn't have it in him to treat woman with kindness and consideration.....he is derogatory and condescending and hypocritical and just plain mean.  I will now say out loud he is a "mental abuser."  He needs help Krystina, and until he admits to having a problem he can't change.

But you are having a good life with your mom.  And I am happy for that.  I always thought that I could put some of the blame with her for Gary's reactions toward woman but I think the only blame, is when I decided to come out of the picture why didn't she at least let me see pictures of you on her facebook.  I only wanted not to be in the middle of Gary's crap toward her and the crap she gave back to him (listen she should stick up for herself) but to be totally freezes me out not to even see pictures she posts on her wall isn't fair......but I recently got to see some pictures and it was are having a wonderful life and I can't wait to see how it all turns out for you

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