
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Thank You and I appreciate it Chad


As much as I would love to sit here and argue with you about your invalid points and slandering of my name I just don’t have that much time as I am busy living my life with my family. I would like to take some time though and hit on some key points in your wonderfully thought out and in-depth blog.

-I have not once said these things that your son Gary has told you. Your son must be in so much “shock and hurt” that he feels he must lie to his mother.

-As for the quotes you put out there from me. I live my life by those quotes every day. In my professional and private life and I will continue to do so. I actually speak about domestic (physical & mental) abuse that I went through when I was a kid for CASA. Something your son did to my wife when they were together. I do not take lightly to people that do these kinds of things and that will not change. You have your set of guidelines and morals in your life and I have mine.

Now, I understand that this is your blog and I can understand why you have it up but I would appreciate it if you would take this down as it does reflect poorly on my character when these things I am “accused” of are not true in the slightest. I know you do a lot of these posts to get a “rise” out of my wife or myself and that is fine. To each their own but this one has crossed the line in my opinion.

As for Krystina finding you all when she is older. That will be 100% her choice. She will be raised with a set of values much similar to my families and will be capable of making her own decisions when she gets older. As a child of adoption and wanting to find my family when I was older I remember my parents telling me “when you are 18 years of age you can find your family if you are 100% sure and we will assist you”. When Krystina is able to comprehend things as an adult we will have this conversation with her and I will stand behind my words as I do with everything else.

Please take this blog down as it does slander my name and my character. Thank you.

Its not slander and it is my opinion on how I see things, if you live your life as you say then maybe you should ask about what they did to each other not just one sided. My son did do these things, horrible and mean and abusive things, but what did Kayti do to him? Maybe not as cruel as Gary but they fought together, they were cruel to each other, and I know because I watched it, I lived with it in my home. She is the only one that can tell you the truth in all matters as I have posted about my son's mistakes, I won't post the text's and things from Kayti or the things I know about Kayti at this time. They were horrible with each other, but as you know only one side, I can appreciate that you stay on Kayti's side that is what a husband should do. You can feel my son lied to me that is your right to feel that way. I find that people do see things differently and I can honor that sincerely. They are your quotes that you are living by so they aren't misquoted. I don't believe I accused you of anything, I am asking how a man can live by these quotes but won't ask himself "maybe a person can change"...what is funny though is that I took a chance that you do read this as does Kayti and the rest of my family reads this and the world. I don't care to get a rise from you or Kayti, but for you or Kayti to consider the fact that a picture sent is enough and lets start the process of healing. If you think it's all about getting a rise out of you all then maybe you aren't mature enough to know its a grandmother wanting pictures of a cherished family member. Or a father that would appreciate pictures even to present to his son, showing him pictures of his sister. I want you to know that I appreciate that you are raising her with values as I wouldn't expect nothing less from Kayti or yourself and I thank you for that. Hell I even thank you for the response to this blog because you are showing me that you are a man to stand up for your family. No one can fault you for this and I never will as I expect you never to fault me for standing up for my family. I want you both to know I will never stop blogging not to get a rise but to let my feelings out on any matter that is important to me and Krystina is so VERY VERY important. I don't see where it slanders your character. I see it as begging and pleading that you acknowledge me or even my son and just for your reply I SO APPRECIATE THAT YOU HAVE. I have questions about your quotes and I have things to say about my son. I have asked you to consider a parent and you have responded. What more can I ask except that you think on it some more and ask some more questions. I have been angry for many many years for my own choices and my son has even apologized to me for making me make that horrible choice in life many years ago where I took his side over Kayti's, she can say mean things about Gary, because Gary was truly HORRIBLE TO HER. No one denies that. He had to say it out loud though and admit that and grow up. But if she ever said I was horrible she will be mistaken. I supported her in many ways and I loved her like my own. She is very mad at me, and should be. But really Chad as a man and for what you went through in life do you not think a person can come out the better from learning from mistakes or are their mistakes not "forgivable".

Thank you Chadwick Ratigan for your time and thoughts on this matter and I appreciate the time it took and the kindness you have shown just by replying.

*****I am posting this response to make sure that I keep it real.  I am honestly very genuinely happy for the time it took away from family for this response.  It doesn't hurt my feelings to finally have one open discussion.  It's very straight forward and honest on both ends, As he see's it and as I see it.  So THANK YOU AGAIN CHAD FOR YOUR TIME.  

  Not a religious person, but if God had something to do with Chad having to find the time to respond I have to give my thanks.

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