
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Jason Birdsong

Jason Edward Birdsong

   Hello it's your mom. Thought it's time to write a short note to let you know that right now today we may not be speaking but you are loved. Do I like you? Sometimes I do not like you. I don't like you at this moment. Yet you are loved. Your actions suck sometimes. You never knew what a good thing you had. At this moment you might think your actions is becoming of a man, yet it isn't. Jason you need to be out in the world to learn to appreciate the support you had. Never did I think you would drop the ball on your responsibility but you did. And it's every bodies fault but your own. 

  You need to find a path Jason and stick to it. You like to change paths to often and your not sticking to one path. Because if the path becomes to bumpy you give up. You are loved. What I wish for you is clarity. What I want for you is to know you are loved. You can't get through life not picking a path and trying your dam-nest to stick to it. You picked this or that in school and kept giving it up, you had to go from my home and you gave up paying your bill you are responsible for. You have to finish something Jason. Gary called me out on that years ago by saying I have to finish something. So I did by paying off a vehicle and now I am working on the house. I am calling you out on it Jason, finish something. I wanted you to know though you are loved. But its time Jason to finish something and stick to it.

Love to you Always


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