
Monday, August 11, 2014

Krystina L Tessinari

Dearest Krystina,

I totally forgot these two totes of pictures your mom left behind and told me she was going to send for.  I really have to go through the two totes and organize them.  I have baby pictures of you and heck even your birth bracelet is in here.  There are pictures in here from 1994 of your grandma Marie hanging out somewhere with some biker friends.

Listen they are here and since no one wants or can communicate with me, without getting into trouble, I guess I am the keeper of the totes.  I sought of forgot about them till I ran across it on my reorganizing.  I have two cute pictures of your mom and Aunt in baseball uniforms, 1996 Timberline Little League Baseball.   

I think I will organize it and put some more pictures up.  That way if no one ever wants them they will recorded somehow for the future for you.  Well I have to get to work.  I want to put these pics up on my FB also.  So I will write again soon, and I love you.

Your grandmother

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