
Saturday, July 5, 2014

Gary Matthew Tessinari - 2014

Well everyone I want to blog about my trip to N. Carolina and visiting my son and his wife, Arielle and my new grandson. What an amazing trip, and from what I saw and heard my son is now officially the man I can be proud of for his actions. I love Gary, never denied that, but his actions in the past made me madder then a hornet. And I have blogged about it many many times, but from the things I have seen this young and angry and mean young man has grown into a thoughtful and even minded man. Very proud of him and I hope he always remembers that.

 This man now has talks with his wife and jokes with his wife and doesn't put her down for anything, he speaks evenly and explains himself well to her and listens to her and takes into consideration her thoughts and doesn't belittle her. He shows his proudness when he speaks of her and shows that everyday. He is still messy, and doesn't take his plate to the sink but I think he is a man on that part. But he needs to remember to do that out of consideration.

I know that he regrets many things in life and the only way I know that is because he admits it now openly his mistakes and takes the responsibility of those mistakes. Gary would never admit he was wrong in the past. He would always blame it on others, before anything else came out of his mouth. But he doesn't do that anymore, and that is the main reason why I know he has changed. Can someone fall back on his bad ways, yes, but I think with Arielle behind him and standing strong he won't. He called me today and said they were just coming back from lunch because they had things to discuss. Did that ever come out of Gary's mouth before that he would take the time to discuss something, hell no. 

I love my new grandson and he is so pretty. He is going to be a heart breaker. And watch out girls he will know all your names......poor Arielle. He is alert and wants to see the world and what is going on around him. As a first time mom Arielle is very very attentive. She may want to watch out and not spoil him. But he is beautiful.

I have to say that Gary has now set the bar up high for his brothers and it has crawled out of the ditch he seems to have made himself. And I am glad, he showed that he can change and for the better. WAY TO GO GARY! 

I am just happy that he is happy, he has a beautiful home and a new family that seems to enjoy him to. He can learn a lot from Mr. P and I thank Arielle's family also for showing him what a man should be. Gary had it in him he just needed to learn to bring that about.

Well he still works hard and has many plans for the future and one of them is to do right by Arielle and his son. He has other plans but I am going to keep that under wraps for the moment. I loved to see them and wish this new family so many blessings and wishes that will come true.

Thank you Gary for showing that it can be done and changes can be made. 

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