
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Confederate Flag....and Lion and Tigers and Bears.....oh my

This is the best video that I have seen on the two subjects that I am sick of hearing about (by Sean Whalen) yes he has a FB page....

I totally agree with all know me i am the least prejudice person....just take a look at my family and tell me different......but seriously knowing my family would you say I was flag has been flying in the most prestigious places and because one DUMB ASS made a video with the confederate flag then went on a killing spree because of his own prejudices we are in a uproar....did the flag do the dumb ass did that.....did taking down the flag stop prejudices.....NOPE....NO SIREE.... AND I ALREADY VOICED MY OPINION ON THE LION come on takes love to stop prejudice ..... not taking a flag down.......LOVE FOR ONE ANOTHER....
Guess now I have to protest and condemn Hemingway......DAMN

I have to say hunting has been going on for what "centuries" and we are upset about this but I have to agree its a "lion" sorry....but humans have been hunted to like the Jews or in Sudan, the massacres, or how about the other so many other travesties.....I have to agree with you about it being a beautiful "lion" and we are all up in a uproar.....beautiful animal.....but really lets get some priorities in there and fight for humans more...the dentist got kicked out of the hunting club....REALLY.....IT'S A HUNTING ORGANIZATION.......the people there as his guides and got paid ALOT of money had more to do with the killing of that animal then he did....they took his money and gave him a hunt....they know the land and the animals there I am why is he the bad guy.....because he paid for a many others have done the same thing......why are we not in a uproar and not protesting against the humans that are being hunted, kidnapped, and beheaded by ISIS.....we hear the news and hell some have watched the videos but where is that protest.....come on lets get the priorities straight and protest for humans more .... because I am going to protest against deer hunters (bambi)....and black bear hunters.....and hell lets protest the alligator hunters.....oh about the steak you eating tonight.....wasn't that killed too....

You have your opinion I am sure but I have mine and this is dumb......Tired of hearing about this EVERYDAY in the news.......

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