
Thursday, September 22, 2016

Krystina Lucille Tessinari


Well my lovely granddaughter its one of those nights that I am thinking about the grand kids in my life.  I am thinking about the presidential race this year....and its just one of those nights you wonder why you are told you can not have opinions or speak someone's name or this and that.  Isn't it funny that we grow up and we are aloud to have opinions yet if someone doesn't like your opinion or your views you get cut out of people's lives like that is suppose to scare you back in line.  This world was made up of opinions and protests and this and that.  Yet you aren't allowed to voice your opinion because that starts all kind of drama.  So annoying, and I wonder what kind of opinions you are going to have about your life.  Are you going to take other opinions to heart and not listen to the other side to form your own opinion or are you going to grow up and say it like it is.  

I was timid way back when and never spoke my opinion and I think that is why my own mother got her way beating me and keeping me scared.  But I think I have to say that I owe me having a strong backbone with opinions on Lonnie, your grandfather, which he may regret more these days then anything else.  But he made me feel like I can have opinions and voice them and he would always stand by me no matter what.  Plus I am to old now to really give a damn.  I have a close net of friends that have their own opinions and we don't agree all the time but they let me say what I want and they say what they want.  Do we have strong opinions in this have to say HELL YES.

I have four grandchildren now to write little notes to and such but you will probably get more notes then anyone of them, not because your loved more but because you are always on my mind because of the situation we are in with you.  I have dreams of our first meeting.....and I know the doors that will be open to reach out to you when you are 18.  I have to be respectful of your moms choices right now but let me say a lot more doors open up when you are of age.  I wonder will you find that you will regret missing out on this side of the family.  Even if its all crazy and full of drama.  Probably, you may have drama in your own family, no family is PERFECT.  

Presidential race....told you this was on my mind  We have Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton.  I am so in the middle - one speaks his mind doesn't give a damn what comes out of his mouth but if truth be told he does say what is on peoples minds even if they don't admit it in fear of being called bigots or such.  Then you have Hilary who is a strong woman with good plans and outlines those plans but is she politically correct all the time.  Why can't she be more open and more honest and let the stuff come out of her mouth like she wants to.  Trump needs to lay out the plans on how we are going to do this and when we are going to do this and that.  And doesn't it depend on the Senate and the House.  They don't vote your way it won't happen.  Gosh I read and read on these two and I get a headache....but I am so on the fence.  I think this is important and will set thepace for the next four years in America and I am on the fence.  Do you want to hear this, probably not but you know its one of those things that is on my mind.

Well dear girl you are probably bored from this entry but I thought I would write you and say hello - so this is me saying "hello".  You be good okay and I love you and remember there is a whole lot of people out here and such watching out for you.  One day Krystina we will meet and I can not wait.  I hope that you are well and your family and stay a dreamer.....

Love always


Payton Dallas Gallaway

Hi Payton Gallaway

This is Grandma MyLinh and I had to borrow Grandpa Lonnie's FB to let you know that I am going to write you little letters in my blog and paste the last discussion with your mom on my blog that one day when you do go on line for yourself you will see that you were always on our minds since your mom deleted and blocked your grandfather and myself for having opinions. I am so sorry you are caught up in the middle of grown people that obviously has shown their true colors and are deleting family like we aren't here. It was done to your father by his mother and he has demons to work with and didn't have support of a good man his own daddy - your grandfather to love and support him. But one day we will catch up and if you ever need anything or want a family behind you hopefully its not to late as it was for your own father. Your mom is a good woman but she is making a choice and its her choice but you will google one day and you will come across your name - and that is how you will know who we are. The good the bad and the ugly......LOVE you Payton.....see you one day......

I agree to a divorce....I agree that u should have custody....what I DONT agree to is that u cut out a father to his children....if that father is TRYING and proves he can straighten out and stay straight....then they WILL ALWAYS deserve to be in that child's life.....I hate woman that think they can be sneaky and think that is OKAY because its not....there should be some kind of communication for the childs sake....children always need their parent and will go looking for them....

Jessica GallawayJessica Gallaway Agreed! Some women don't realize how lucky they are to have a child with someone who actually wants to be there for the child and do right by them... I would give anything for that!
LikeReply22 hrs
MyLinh McDonald Some people have issues they need to work at to be there for their child and u can wish all u want and it will happen one day...but maybe a woman needs to look at herself takes two to work hard and not lay it at the feet of one maybe u need to make sure stones aren't thrown at one side completely.....father may have demons but is the other half to blame also by not working themselves
LikeReply122 hrs
Jessica Gallaway Also very true. I definitely am not a perfect parent for sure but she will always have me here and that's something I will always do. That's all any good parent can do is try their best
LikeReply22 hrs
MyLinh McDonald And doing ur best is working hard ... Stand on ur own two feet....don't rely on others to fix it for u....take ur knocks get back up and keep going....I never before Lonnie McDonald relied on anyone but myself working hard at two jobs if I had to.....h...See More
LikeReply121 hrs
Jessica Gallaway Oh I guess I haven't updated the whole situation. He knows and has been given papers but instead left the state. I wanted to do equal and standard visitation but since he left oklahoma and won't comply they say all I can do is publication. I wish I could do it the right way but I tried to as much as I legally could
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Lonnie McDonald You have him on fb so let him know.
LikeReply21 hrs
Jessica Gallaway I already emailed him the petition along with visitation schedule. I've also talked by phone. He's angry about the divorce so im having to pretty much do what I can on my end
UnlikeReply121 hrs
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MyLinh McDonald Then good u did ur BEST to communicate it to him...but if he needs to fix all his demons he MUST take the time to do so if that means not seeing Payton till he knows he is good then I would accept that.....and pray its sooner then later.......See More
LikeReply220 hrsEdited
Jessica Gallaway Yes! That's exactly how I feel! I only hope and will be happy for the day he can be in her life and be well on his own. I really do. I only want payton to be happy. She deserves it and more
LikeReply20 hrs
Lonnie McDonald I only hope that you are going to give him open communication with her.
LikeReply20 hrs
Jessica Gallaway I was. He's not around anymore hopefully he will decide to come back into her life soon when he is able and has worked through his problems
LikeReply20 hrs
MyLinh McDonald

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Lonnie McDonald Don't pull what his mother did with him and I because it will give the other parent pains and hurt feelings to you.
LikeReply21 hrs
Jessica Gallaway I know better than that. I would never keep payton from him. I actually allowed him to see her whenever he wanted up until he left the state. Even offered equal visitation when he left the state but he only wants to do some holidays. Which that's fine if that is what he wants. I honestly wish he wanted more than that but I guess he's going to stay in Indiana for good
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Lonnie McDonald He has a job and a place to live.
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MyLinh McDonald And if that is good for him...then wish him luck and happiness....then do u...but tell him ur plans be the ad AFTER u tell him if u must...don't do it all without saying something....
LikeReply21 hrs
Jessica Gallaway I've told him face to face... by phone and email and last known address... he knows everything
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Jessica Gallaway I can't even run the ad for another few weeks
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Jessica Gallaway Lonnie he moved in with a stranger from the Internet. He doesn't have his own place
LikeReply21 hrs
MyLinh McDonald
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Jessica Gallaway I apologize if my posts have been unclear. I try not to tell more than just my side for the simple fact he isn't here to defend himself and I don't want to put it all out there but if you ever wanna know what is going on then you can message me at any time.
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MyLinh McDonald No...if ur going to put anything out there it should be the good the bad and everything.....then u aren't hiding anything....its an opinion...its how u feel....that way someone doesn't think ur hiding things.....they will defend themselves if they want.....but this was a good debate....REALLY GOOD good do u girl
LikeReply120 hrs
Jessica Gallaway Oh he's not on my fb. Not debating or hiding anything at all. Almost everyone on my fb knows how he is and what is most likely the reason for what I'm posting.
LikeReply20 hrs
MyLinh McDonald Well when u go back and forth that's a debate or a point of view....I don't care if a person lies neither....but opinions are always different seen differently by each just the respect that I can say something and u can say something is a debate and that's take the damn compliment and good night. 
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MyLinh McDonald And I am NOT CALLING U A don't respond to that line OKAY....LOVE YA...
LikeReply20 hrs
Jessica Gallaway Lol oh ok I thought you meant we were at a disagreance. I was just trying to clarify some things on the situation
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MyLinh McDonald And u did good...up against me and my opinions u held ur own....don't think I take everything that is said from the other side to heart....or believe its all true....but I have opinions and I do voice them...and u are go to sleep and get some rest....STOP😆
LikeReply20 hrs