
Friday, May 29, 2015

Krystina Lucille Tessinari

Dearest Krystina,

I LOVE YOU.  You just don't know how much I love you.  I can not wait till you can follow your own heart and your own mind.  You have your dads and my blood running through you and you are going to be a seeker of truth, I know it.  Be brave my dear granddaughter and keep your dreams because they are important dreams, you are important and never allow anyone to tell you different.  When anyone tries to rein you in, your blood will tell you there is so much more out there and you will look for the answers.  Some of the truth you will not like, and some of the lies will make more sense to you.  You have to make up your own mind, because that is what a mind is for, to think to dream, to accomplish.  You see I have dreams and I believe dreams carry to the person that you dream of.  That person may have the same dreams and not know what they mean but the thing is this, there is always that pull and you will be pulled.  Do you realize all the people out there that are watching over you, people you have no idea or would think would be rooting for you and the time you grow up, where you can be the truest of the true to yourself and won't have to answer to anyone.

You may have to rein yourself in because you are so trying to please people but you will learn that you have to please yourself first in order to make you happy and the hell with people.  Your getting closer  everyday, you are getting closer and I love you.  I CAN NOT WAIT.  I know this has been the longest wait of my lifetime.  But if Grandpa Lonnie's son can find him after the many years his mother hid him, I have great hope for you.  Because no child can not wonder about family.  I went through it, Grandpa Lonnie went through it and so many others you have no idea.  But they have ALL found where they come from and their family and I will wait right here for you.  ALWAYS.

So you may not know what this letter means when you read it.  But if you read this and sit with your eyes close, you will hear me whispering in the wind that you are loved and always have been.  No one can erase where they come from.  Cherish yourself above all else.  Because you are living the one life you have and I look forward to seeing how you do one day.

Love you always,

Titan Rey Tessinari


Well little man you are going to be 1 yrs old in a couple of days.  I saw a video of you walking and you were such a ham.  You loved every minute of it I could tell.  You are getting big and you are to cute.  Fun loving and full of smiles.  I have some beautiful pictures of you lately.  Well they are all beautiful, but the ones I got the other day was totally gorgeous.

I am leaving tomorrow after work to be there for your birthday on Saturday.  Bringing Uncle Jason who hasn't even met you yet and my Bff and her three youngest kids.  Which include the  Wait till you meet them, and of course Preston.

So I will see you soon my darling grandchild and HAPPY BIRTHDAY.


Sunday, May 24, 2015

Krystina Lucille Tessinari

Cece and Isaiah Gooden and Payton Gallaway headed to Disney with me on May 17, 2015

Jessica and Payton Gallaway, Isaiah and Cece Gooden and MyLinh McDonald we are on our way inside of Disney

Payton's tea cup face....on the Tea Cup ride at Disney

Payton and Grandma on the way to Disney - May 17, 2015

Payton Gallaway - May 17, 2015

BEAUTIFUL Carol Ciebien and MyLinh McDonald and Cece and Isaiah Gooden and Payton Galloway friend that made this magical day happen for my grandchild and my friends.

Dearest Krystina,

  I celebrated my birthday with my granddaughter and her mom and some friends.  We went to Wet and Wild and then Disney the next day.   It was the best weekend to celebrate my birthday.  Got Jessica and Payton Gallaway out from Oklahoma and then had Cece and Isaiah over for the weekend to be surrounded with love and gosh it was fun.  Since my granddaughter was here for a week we went to Daytona and the boardwalk.  Had lots of ice cream and played Uno and just had a ball.  

  I loved every minute of it and then there was times when I thought about Titan and you and wondered how soon I may get to do these things with you two also.  Well Titan is to young and you are just out of reach.  I always dreamed of doing these things as a grandmother and Payton was wonderful.  At six she is a little worry wart.  But she tried everything, from Space Mountain to the Rolling Thunder roller coasters.  It was funny how she froze on each one and not one word came out of her mouth till the end when she proclaimed, "it went to fast grandma".  Being called grandma was the highlight of the whole thing.   

  I love you Krystina and will always love you.  No matter what.  I have dreams of us meeting and you won't be to big to take to Disney and Wet and Wild and Islands of Adventure and all the touristy spots around Orlando.  But to also get to know you as a person and my granddaughter.  I wanted to include some pictures and to say hello to you and to let you know you are beautiful.  The many pictures I get confirms that.  

  Take care lovely beautiful young lady and I love you as much as the moon and stars I have watching over you every single night.

Love you always,


Sunday, May 10, 2015














May our day be Merry and so VERY VERY GREAT!!!!!!